Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sabbath Delights: Of Which I'm a Part

Writing these weekly Sabbath Delights posts has been so enriching for me. It gives me motivation to focus more deeply on the feelings of my heart. By selecting one impression to elaborate on each day, the messages a loving Father in Heaven seeks to send me become more clear. During the sacrament service today, the final of my church meetings, I was quietly pondering over the direction my words should flow today. My heart burned as this thought entered my mind: 'Just bear your testimony.' There is so much I love and believe about this gospel, but there is one supernal truth I wish to testify of right now.

One of my favorite songs I learned as a little girl is called, 'My Heavenly Father Loves Me.' The second verse goes as follows:

He gave me eyes that I might see
The color of butterfly wings.
 He gave me my ears that I might hear
The magical sounds of things.
He gave my life, my mind, my heart: I thank him rev'rently
For all his creations, of which I'm a part.
Yes, I know Heav'nly Father loves me.

Whether you have never heard this song or have sung it since the age of three like me, I invite you to listen to the video above before reading further. It is less than three minutes long and brings me peace every time!

My favorite part is just five words tagged on to end of a line. 'For all His creations, of which I'm a part." This line once brought tears to my eyes as I was riding my bike alone through campus on a gorgeous spring evening Logan. The landscapers at USU are phenomenal; flowers, vibrant and varied waved from the front of every building. Mature, majestic trees bursting with white and pink flower buds lined every walkway. And the sunset was setting a warm glow of soft gold across the entire landscape. As a rode, I began to sing this song softly to myself. When I reached this line I brought my bike up short as a something surged through me. 'For all His creations, of which I'm a part." Surrounded my the calming yet tantalizing beauty of the earth I knew: God created all of this, and He created me. And because I am His child, He knows and loves me both perfectly and infinitely.

I love how the choir above holds out this line longer than the rest. It seems to symbolize the stunning awe that comes to each of us when we realize this great truth. We are known, and we are loved. In the hymn book this song is found, it instructs us to sing these words 'Expressively.' Having the word 'I'm' in the line makes it a powerful, personal moment of expression. Just singing those five words testifies of so much. I know God loves His children and I know it is important we are aware of His love. I love these words from Elder Holland:

"My brothers and sisters, the first great commandment of all eternity is to love God with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength—that’s the first great commandment. But the first great truth of all eternity is that God loves us with all of His heart, might, mind, and strength. That love is the foundation stone of eternity, and it should be the foundation stone of our daily life. Indeed it is only with that reassurance burning in our soul that we can have the confidence to keep trying to improve, keep seeking forgiveness for our sins, and keep extending that grace to our neighbor."

God loves you. No matter your circumstance, lifestyle or belief's, God's love goes on unchanged. I only wish I could testify in person and not just through a screen. Turn to Him remembering that He is always turned to you, and let the greatest, purest love fill your life today and forever. :)

I testify of these truths in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

1 comment:

  1. "Turn to Him remembering that He is always turned to you..." Thank you, Em. 💙
