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Morgan, Steven and I at his farewell. He is headed to the Rome, Italy Mission! |
As soon as I sat down from giving my talk, I immediately began to think of all the other things I could have said. Or how I could have studied more over the break. But I think we all do that. We just have to trust that something we said something right and move forward with what we learned.
Here is a copy of my talk on obedience if you'd care to read:
Good morning!
My name is Emily Abel and I am from Kaysville Utah. I am grateful for the
opportunity to speak to you all today. I always love the study that precedes
giving a talk, and I hope the Spirit will be here today as I try and share some
of what I learned with you today.
I love the simple truths taught
through primary songs. How comforting are these familiar words: ‘I am a Child
of God and He has sent me here. Rich blessings are in store; If I but learn to
do his will, I'll live with him once more. Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, Help
me find the way. Teach me all that I must do To live with him someday.’
‘Families can be together forever
through Heavenly Father’s plan. I always want to be with my own family and the
Lord has shown me how I can. The Lord has shown me how I can’
And one of my favorites:
‘Because I want to be
like the Savior, and I can,
reading His instructions, I’m following His plan.
I want the power His word will give to me,
changing how I live, I’m changing what I’ll be
power keeps me safe from sin.
Scripture power is the power to win.
power! Ev’ry day I need
power that I get each time I read.
Each of these songs teaches us about the
patterns of obedience and the subsequent blessings. Rich blessings are in store
through Heavenly Father’s perfect instructions for us, His imperfect children.
His laws and commandments are in place not to restrict us, but to set us free
and give us power. Let me share an instance from my own life when being
obedient brought me very real blessings.
During a particularly busy week at school, not a song,
but an object lesson I once saw in primary was on my mind. It took me a few days
to realize that it was the Spirit teaching me how I was to fulfill all my responsibilities
that week. Please use your imagination as I describe the lesson. The teacher
had two large, empty glass jars on a table. Next to the jars sat a plastic bag
full of sand, a pile of pebbles, and a pile of larger rocks. She told us that the
jars represented us and our time. The large rocks represented the really
important things we need to do each week. Things like scripture study, meaningful
prayer, time with family, or fulfilling our callings at church. The pebbles she
said, represented things in our lives that are still important, but not as essential.
Things like homework or daily exercise. The sand she said, was the fun things
we do, like watching a movie with friends or playing a video game. The teacher
then opened the bag of sand and poured half of it into one of the empty jars.
On top of the sand, she put a handful of the pebbles. By this point, the jar was
nearly full and there was only room for one or two of the large rocks. She told
us that this is what happens when we choose to put the unimportant things first
in our lives: we won’t have time for the things that really matter. Then she
turned to the remaining empty jar. This time, she put the large rocks in first,
they all fit. Then she put the pebbles on top, they too all fit in as they fell
in between the gaps of the large rocks. Lastly, she poured the remaining sand
into the jar. The sand wiggled its away around the rocks and pebbles and
everything could fit in the jar.
I realized that my remembering this
lesson was the Spirit whispering to me that if I was obedient and focused on
making the Christ the center of each day, through scripture study, prayer and institute
attendance, I would be able to survive that week. After the important rocks
were in place, everything else would find its place. Elder Christofferson
taught this when he said,
adequate time and means….for centering our lives in Christ, have been put in
place, we can begin to add other responsibilities and things of
value insofar as time and resources will permit…. In this way, the essential
will not be crowded out of our lives by the merely good, and things of lesser
value will take a lower priority or fall away altogether.”
I testify of the truth of that
statement. During that busy week, I made meaningful scripture study a priority
even if it meant waking up an hour earlier than was necessary. I viewed that
hour of morning scripture reading not as lost study time, but as a means to enhance my school studies. After
reading, I had a very real sense of calm and happiness despite my packed
schedule. This peace made it easier for me to study effectively. It turns out the
primary song is right, every day I need the power that I get each time I read.
The scriptures themselves have no shortage of examples of obedience.
In the Book of Mormon, Lehi was obedient in the face of a daunting unknown
future, something many of us as young adults are facing. He left the comfort
and security of Jerusalem and took his large family into the vast, uncharted
wilderness. The Lord gave him means of direction, but, as we read in 1 Nephi
16:28 this compass only worked according to the faith and diligence and heed
which they did give unto it. I think this is very applicable to our own lives:
the means for divine strength and guidance are available to us, but we must
have the faith, act with diligence and heed the direction we are given. One way
I think we can show that faith and diligence is by placing ourselves in
circumstances where Heavenly Father can communicate with us. We need to show by
our actions that we desire His help. This may mean attending all three hours of
church, coming to dorm prayer, going institute. Really seeking every
opportunity to receive answers to our pleas for help.
And of course, Lehi’s son Nephi is the very archetype of an obedience.
His motto of ‘I will go and do’ leads his life. We see it in his persistence in
obtaining the brass plates, not giving up when at first he is unsuccessful. And
later on we see it in his immediate willingness to follow the command to build
a ship. Not questioning if it could be done, but only asking where to start. Truly
obedience is what made Nephi great.
There are many other, but our greatest example of obedience
comes, of course, from the Savior Jesus Christ.
Elder Hales taught, “… of all the lessons we learn from the
life of the Savior, none is more clear and powerful than the lesson of
obedience.” He goes on,
"As our understanding
of obedience deepens, we recognize the essential role of agency. When Jesus was
in the Garden of Gethsemane, He prayed three times to His Father in Heaven, “O
my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I
will, but as thou wilt.” God would not override the Savior’s agency, yet
He mercifully sent an angel to strengthen His Beloved Son.
The Savior met another
test on Golgotha, where He could have called upon legions of angels to take Him
down from the cross, but He made His own choice to obediently endure to the end
and complete His atoning sacrifice, even though it meant great suffering, even
I wonder if a lifetime of obedient living prepared the Savior
to endure at this crucial moment. Through obedience, he had come to love and
trust His Father perfectly, and he let that love motivate him to complete his great
I have been called to share this great message of love as a
full time missionary in the Virginia Richmond Mission. I hope to follow my
Savior’s example in letting my love for Heavenly Father motivate me to be obedient.
In the packet that accompanies a call to serve, there is a letter from the
first presidency of the church. A portion of that letter reads: “As you
continue to read and study the scriptures, you will increase your personal knowledge
and testimony of the Savior and His gospel. You will be motivated to be obedient
and to work hard.”
I testify that as we study the life of our Savior in the scriptures
we CAN find the motivation and faith to be obedient. President Uchtdorf taught
us this when he said,
“Over time, you will recognize His
hand in your life. You will feel His love. And the desire to walk in His light
and follow His way will grow with every step of faith you take. We call these
steps of faith “obedience.”
Commandments that now may seem a burden to us will become our
wings. That which we don’t understand can become clear to us overtime. It is my
prayer that we can all examine our desires and motivations to see where we can
better align ourselves with the Savior’s great plan of becoming. His plan isn’t
our last chance, but our only chance. I testify that his atonement and gospel
will make more of out of our lives than we ever could on our own. He is truly
the way, the truth, and the life. I am so grateful for my membership in his
restored church. In the name of Jesus
Christ, amen.
Elder Christofferson: "How to Make Christ the Center of our Lives"
Elder Hales: "If Ye Love Me Keep My Commandments"
President Uchtdorf: "He Will Place You on His Shoulders and Carry You Home"
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